Channel Weed Thailand


MOPH Vows to End Household Cannabis Cultivation

1 min read

The Ministry of Public Health vows to end household cannabis cultivation and may delist ‘cannabis flower’ back in to drug list again

Dr. Cholnan Srikeaw, Public Health Minister stated that the government aims to close cannabis loophole by rectifying the current cannabis bill, As the government only supports medical cannabis, Recently a large amount of marijuana has been cultivated for commercial purposes, as the law still allows cannabis flower consumption which lead to recreational cannabis purposed.
Dr. Cholnan added that there are still gaps in the current cannabis legislation such as allowing household cannabis cultivation which will increase the acquisition of marijuana as well as more easily accessible to teenagers
. “MOPH may delist some part of the plant back into the narcotic list, But somehow the government would be aware of the impact on cannabis stakeholder such as patients and consumer,  we must legislate in such a way that no party loses interest and everyone must benefit from the usage of cannabis to boost health and healthcare, such as CBD edibles” said Dr. Cholnan

“There are currently numerous procedures in place to cultivate cannabis for commercial purposes. Commercial cannabis is completely unrelated to healthcare which is considered faraway from government agreement”

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